Select an option to create a Fictitious Business Name filing.
Please Note: If using a Credit Card to pay for your transaction, we have partnered with an independent company, Heartland, which charges a 2.28% Credit Card Convenience Fee calculated on the Total.
After completion you will receive an electronic copy of the filing along with an Adjudicated Newspaper listing and instructions for publishing. A Certified copy will be sent through regular mail to the mailing address on file. If you notice that you have not received an email, please remember to check your Junk/Spam Folder. For further assistance, please contact the County Clerk’s office at 951-486-7000 or come into one of our offices to complete your transaction and receive your filings.
Create a new Fictitious Business Name Filing.
Refile a previous Fictitious Business Name filing.
Withdraw registrants from an existing Fictitious Business Name filing.
Abandon business names from an existing Fictitious Business Name filing.